4G/5G GSM Alarm Diallers

Click For 5G IoT Alarm Diallers

IoT Portal alarm diallers address the practical limitations and cost of traditional SIM card diallers. They use the technology the networks want you to use for this type of equipment (i.e. LTE-M and NB-IoT). These band aren't for mobile phones. They're specifically for machines, like diallers, that don't require extremely high speed connections and massive quantities of data. Consequently, the networks won't be conspiring to remove your mostly idle dialler from their network!

Possibly the greatest selling point of LTE-M and NB-IoT is the increased range these networks provide. For a number of reasons these networks will penetrate deep into buildings providing connectivity a mobile phone cannot achieve. You almost certainly will have NB-IoT access wherever you are in the UK already.

IoT Portal alarm diallers represent the best value for money in the long term and remove the need for regular topping up or direct debits. They will work well into the future when 2G GSM networks are closed down and poorly designed 4G diallers run into IMS/VoLTE connectivity issues. 

Another advantage of the cloud based diallers is the ability to be notified when the dialler isn't working. We check all of our diallers every 4 minutes to ensure they are working. Should they disappear from the network for over an hour you will be notified along with the portal engineering department for investigation.

A traditional dialler cannot do this; once it's failed it can no longer tell you!


 IoT SIM Dialler Mobile Phone SIM Dialler
Annual Top Ups Minimum Monthly Top Ups
No Minimum Usage Disconnected if Not Regularly Used
Credit Never Expires Time Limited Credit
Multiple Network Redundancy   Single Network Only
Online Programming Included Requires Separate Data Allowance
Tested Every 4 Minutes with SMS Alert Cannot Notify you when Failed
Instant Multi-User Dialling/SMS Slow 1-by-1 Dialling/SMS
Text-to-Speech Calls Silent/DTMF Tones Only
The Right SIM for the Job SIM Designed for Mobile Phones
Unlimited Users Practical Call Limit 3-4 Recipients
Service Designed for Equipment Service Designed for Mobile Phones