Dublin Airport Ireland NB-IoT Availability

Posted by Michael Beaver on

Blog post by Michael

When I travel around the UK and Ireland I take our NB-IoT/Cat-M1 development board with me to investigate which networks are available. Primarily we're checking the roll-out of the 5G bands and their comparative signal strength to the 2G on the same band.

Here in Ireland in Dublin Airport, we first connected to 3 Ireland 2G with a decent RSSI of 18 - not bad considering my phone had marginal signal where I was sitting.

+cops: 0,0,"3Ireland",0

+csq: 18,99


I used the AT+COPS command to investigate which networks were available (03/11/2021):

+cops: (1,"vodafone IE","voda IE","27201",9),(1,"IRL - METEOR","METEOR","27203",0),(1,"vodafone IE","voda IE","27201",0),(2,"3Ireland","3IRL","27202",0),,(0,1,2,3,4),(0,1,2)

+QENG: "neighbourcell","GSM",272,01,1F,3B4D,31,57,-92,13,13,0,0
+QENG: "neighbourcell","GSM",272,01,1F,3B4B,7,72,-92,13,13,0,0

We can see both Vodafone NB-IoT and 2G are available along with the other 2 major networks; Meteor (now Eir) and 3 (formerly O2).

We switched to 2G to get a baseline signal strength:

+cops: 0,0,"vodafone IE",0
+csq: 20,99

+QENG: "servingcell","CONNECT","GSM",272,01,1F,3B64,36,54,-,-77,255,255,0,28,28,1,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,"-"

Decent signal on 2G. The nature of NB-IoT means it can use any of the LTE/2G bands and receive a better signal so let's see:

+cops: 0,0,"vodafone IE",9
+csq: 31,99